Comics/fingers, Not Waving but Drowning, comics/Сomics meme: "government/employers refusing to provide secure jobs with insurance and other basic benefits preexisting depression and anxiety pandemic exhaustion, inexorable economic pressure and a hamstrung early career unable to access/afford basic mental health services awareness of my privilege and knowing others are struggling worse while I'm not helping at all "It's okay to talk about mental health!! #AreYouFine #openconversations" ""
Сomics meme: "government/employers refusing to provide secure jobs with insurance and other basic benefits preexisting depression and anxiety pandemic exhaustion, inexorable economic pressure and a hamstrung early career unable to access/afford basic mental health services awareness of my privilege and knowing others are struggling worse while I'm not helping at all "It's okay to talk about mental health!! #AreYouFine #openconversations" ""