Comics/the picture with the text, open the gate meme, open the gates meme/Сomics meme: "But it seems like a genuine creature, maybe we should ask the lord to open it.
Fool you remember last lime! Close the gates! Sir, it looks like there is somthing running around in the field out front of the castle gate! Close the gates! Ok
?! Opening the gate.. a little!! Wait! Word from the tower, it's just chasing butterflies and touching all the flowers.. maybe the lord would be ok with that?! Closing the gate!"
Сomics meme: "But it seems like a genuine creature, maybe we should ask the lord to open it.
Fool you remember last lime! Close the gates! Sir, it looks like there is somthing running around in the field out front of the castle gate! Close the gates! Ok
?! Opening the gate.. a little!! Wait! Word from the tower, it's just chasing butterflies and touching all the flowers.. maybe the lord would be ok with that?! Closing the gate!"