Comics/memes, American chopper meme, American chopper meme/Сomics meme: "I've added new build on upgrader02,
but don't see it's available for upgrade. Could you please take a look? Issue with updater03,
things are fine with updater02 I mean check updater02 because after upgrade-> DOWNLOADINSTALL new added build is not visible. Check what? updater02 is having problem, that's the reason we are using updater03"
Сomics meme: "I've added new build on upgrader02,
but don't see it's available for upgrade. Could you please take a look? Issue with updater03,
things are fine with updater02 I mean check updater02 because after upgrade-> DOWNLOADINSTALL new added build is not visible. Check what? updater02 is having problem, that's the reason we are using updater03"