Все шаблоны/черный прямоугольник, черная, черный фон для мема/Мем: "🇷🇺: my kids are bullied cos they're russians
🇺🇦: My kids are raped and killed cos they're Ukrainians
🇷🇺: My car tyres were punctured cos I'm russian
🇺🇦: My whole family was shot to death in a car cos we are Ukrainians"
Мем: "🇷🇺: my kids are bullied cos they're russians
🇺🇦: My kids are raped and killed cos they're Ukrainians
🇷🇺: My car tyres were punctured cos I'm russian
🇺🇦: My whole family was shot to death in a car cos we are Ukrainians"