Комиксы/virgin vs chad, сычев и ерохин, девственник и чед/Комикс мем: "Chad Bora
Served as an officer got paid Virgin Doruk
Paid not to serve Alwasy proud of his murders
Chooses to wake up early Does bussiness with hairy stinky men
Engineering degree
Has Chad brothers
Sacrifies his all capacity for some possible slight muscle stimulations that are statistically significant on one of his rear deltoids Feels sorry for his victims after murdering them Has to wake up hearly
An only child
-I... I have M.A...
English teacher working with too many women
Does not use his potential at the gym"
Комикс мем: "Chad Bora
Served as an officer got paid Virgin Doruk
Paid not to serve Alwasy proud of his murders
Chooses to wake up early Does bussiness with hairy stinky men
Engineering degree
Has Chad brothers
Sacrifies his all capacity for some possible slight muscle stimulations that are statistically significant on one of his rear deltoids Feels sorry for his victims after murdering them Has to wake up hearly
An only child
-I... I have M.A...
English teacher working with too many women
Does not use his potential at the gym"