Все шаблоны/обыкновенная выдра, выдра милая, животное выдра/Мем: "In the bowels of the tundra otter in the hets
Dig into buckets of cedar kernels.
Drawn from an otter in the tundra of the hetra,
Wipe the otter of the cedar kernel,
Wipe a het otter muzzle -
Nuclei in buckets, otter in the tundra."
Мем: "In the bowels of the tundra otter in the hets
Dig into buckets of cedar kernels.
Drawn from an otter in the tundra of the hetra,
Wipe the otter of the cedar kernel,
Wipe a het otter muzzle -
Nuclei in buckets, otter in the tundra."