Комиксы/virgin сычев vs chad ерохин, virgin vs chad, chad stride/Комикс мем: "Chad US democracy Virgin Indian Democracy Debates for days, only to adjourn without decision Filibusters until the other side gives up out of boredom World's largest democracy but still confused about what it wants. Just two parties—easy peasy, no confusion. Gets offended easily; trolls everyone on Twitter Bold foreign policy: 'We do what we want, deal with it Anti-defection law, but everyone’s always switching sides Protests? Nah, just another day of 'freedom of expression 400 TV channels—still can’t find unbiased news." One amendment fixes everything Campaigns include everything—except actual policies. Supreme Court debates are like chess matches: boring but brutal Supreme Court cases drag on longer than Bollywood movies."
Комикс мем: "Chad US democracy Virgin Indian Democracy Debates for days, only to adjourn without decision Filibusters until the other side gives up out of boredom World's largest democracy but still confused about what it wants. Just two parties—easy peasy, no confusion. Gets offended easily; trolls everyone on Twitter Bold foreign policy: 'We do what we want, deal with it Anti-defection law, but everyone’s always switching sides Protests? Nah, just another day of 'freedom of expression 400 TV channels—still can’t find unbiased news." One amendment fixes everything Campaigns include everything—except actual policies. Supreme Court debates are like chess matches: boring but brutal Supreme Court cases drag on longer than Bollywood movies."