Комиксы/гриффины гей вечеринка на кровати, гриффины групповуха мем, гриффины оргия/Комикс мем: "I use only 50 ml of olive oil in my salad I really like decaffeinated coffee I prefer my pie with just a small quantity of honey We shall not swin when drinking beers I like to enjoy the sunset along with my friends in abeach It is too dangerous to swim in the waves I use 50 spf sun cream for sun protection"
Комикс мем: "I use only 50 ml of olive oil in my salad I really like decaffeinated coffee I prefer my pie with just a small quantity of honey We shall not swin when drinking beers I like to enjoy the sunset along with my friends in abeach It is too dangerous to swim in the waves I use 50 spf sun cream for sun protection"