Комиксы/айсберг мем, подсознание айсберг, айсберг шаблон мема/Комикс мем: "LGBT relationship Fantasy Skin color diversity Kingdoms and gods Different culture Queens/Kings and knights Homophobia Alchohol trauma Permanent injuries Manipulation Racism Backstabbing Sexual abuse mentionned A bit gore Inequality Torn limbs Slavery Assassinat Torture War Tyranny Genocide I love them I swear they can be happy too"
Комикс мем: "LGBT relationship Fantasy Skin color diversity Kingdoms and gods Different culture Queens/Kings and knights Homophobia Alchohol trauma Permanent injuries Manipulation Racism Backstabbing Sexual abuse mentionned A bit gore Inequality Torn limbs Slavery Assassinat Torture War Tyranny Genocide I love them I swear they can be happy too"