Комиксы/мемы светящийся мозг, мем эволюция мозга, мем с мозгом шаблон/Комикс мем: ""No sich uh thing!" Tea Cake retorted. (Zora Neale Hurston, “Their Eyes Were Watching God.”) "Nothing like that ever happened," Tea Cake replied. "It did not happen," Tea Cake said. "With great fortune, that happenstance did not become a reality," Tea Cake stated. "Verily, it was a circumstance, to be noted, that appeared not to so much have been a reality as to have evolved as a thing that had not yet come to be," Tea Cake impelled."
Комикс мем: ""No sich uh thing!" Tea Cake retorted. (Zora Neale Hurston, “Their Eyes Were Watching God.”) "Nothing like that ever happened," Tea Cake replied. "It did not happen," Tea Cake said. "With great fortune, that happenstance did not become a reality," Tea Cake stated. "Verily, it was a circumstance, to be noted, that appeared not to so much have been a reality as to have evolved as a thing that had not yet come to be," Tea Cake impelled."