Все шаблоны/генератор мемов, ди каприо остров проклятых мем, остров проклятых ди каприо/Мем: "Hey, are you still participating in the Mande chain testnet? Yes of course. Wouldn't miss an opportunity like this. Everyone says that this project has great prospects for the future. And how are you doing, do you continue to participate? Em-m-m, ... I don't know how to explain to you. I once decided to leave there and just stopped participating in the testnet ..."
Мем: "Hey, are you still participating in the Mande chain testnet? Yes of course. Wouldn't miss an opportunity like this. Everyone says that this project has great prospects for the future. And how are you doing, do you continue to participate? Em-m-m, ... I don't know how to explain to you. I once decided to leave there and just stopped participating in the testnet ..."