Comics/the quarrel on the show american chopper, american chopper argument meme, male/Сomics meme: "Program failed to run .
Error: dependency failed . Not installed Linux, run this program right now . it's urgent . Okay so let's install it Failed again ,depeennncy package depends on packages x , y ,and z to run Can't run those packages . Error : you've held broken packages. Then install those too. Do whatever it takes goddamnit Youve been installing Xsystem apps on a wayland system biyotch no way I'm runnnin that application unless you download a snap or something similar You had one job"
Сomics meme: "Program failed to run .
Error: dependency failed . Not installed Linux, run this program right now . it's urgent . Okay so let's install it Failed again ,depeennncy package depends on packages x , y ,and z to run Can't run those packages . Error : you've held broken packages. Then install those too. Do whatever it takes goddamnit Youve been installing Xsystem apps on a wayland system biyotch no way I'm runnnin that application unless you download a snap or something similar You had one job"