Все шаблоны/virgin сычев vs chad ерохин, virgin vs chad, chad stride/Мем: "HW Highlander vs W:A PX Highlander Actually fun A rare sight Not fun Too popular Steals both
weapons and HP Luck-based Just for fun Skill-based Rude hosts
profit from
this mode Manages to keep
loyality Denies loyality Should be
erased Supports
weapons Can be kept HedgeNet in
a shellnut"
Мем: "HW Highlander vs W:A PX Highlander Actually fun A rare sight Not fun Too popular Steals both
weapons and HP Luck-based Just for fun Skill-based Rude hosts
profit from
this mode Manages to keep
loyality Denies loyality Should be
erased Supports
weapons Can be kept HedgeNet in
a shellnut"